The Following Purge

Taking control of your enjoyment.

Frederik Verhagen
2 min readSep 14, 2022
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I’ve always followed people with similar interests on social media. The enjoyment of drawing, Final Fantasy XI, and anime ended in lasting relationships. The communities and experiences were great! But just like how every action has an equal and opposite reaction, there were ordeals along the way.

One of the most trying experiences occurred whenever people were on opposing sides of an argument that affected the entire group. I learned that drama aids in separating true friends from ‘friends.’

Other trials came with algorithm changes. Drastic changes to social media platforms forced an exodus of people I followed and communicated with. This event, too, filtered out those who were less meaningful in my life.

Case in point: I followed art friends from DeviantArt to Tumblr for it’s ease of blogging showcasing artwork, and communication. When Tumblr drastically changed its policies, many moved to Twitter, where we’ve been ever since.

I reconsidered my approach to the people and accounts I follow after that last move between platforms. To limit drama, starving artists, and negativity showing up on my feed, I decided only to follow those who spark joy in me. Whenever I open Twitter, I want to leave likes, share excitement, and turn my phone off with a smile.



Frederik Verhagen

Stay-at-home father and dork who writes about creativity, science fiction, and little discoveries in life. 🔗