Sleep On It and Double Check

Check your work with a fresh eye the next day.

Frederik Verhagen
2 min readJan 17, 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

We might all have been there; You create a new article or drawing, submit it to our platforms, and find some mistakes. You hurriedly posted it so you could focus on the next project, and now you’re stuck with a decision. Do you edit or delete and post a fixed version? There are already people commenting on your work and leaving likes. Now the decision is even tougher. Maybe you can make a minor edit. However, deleting the post could be catastrophic!

Like Darian O’Neil once wrote, “don’t let the internet rush you.” The internet is not a competition. Rush things and you could end up posting something that could ruin your career.

Even if you have somebody review your work, go get some sleep. Check your work with a fresh eye in the morning. Does your boss put you on a tight deadline? Step away from your creation, drink some coffee, and look at it again. You’ve stared at your work for such a long time that errors can easily slip in.

By taking a break, you take the focus off your project. When you return, you will have a clear look at it. Certain words and sentences suddenly stand out and need to be adjusted. A painted shadow might look off. I often return to something I wrote or drew months later and think to myself, did I make that? I would also spot new mistakes, but by then it’s too late to replace the work.

I will conduct a personal test by publishing this article without “sleeping on it” and write my findings in a follow-up article!

Now, don’t be like me and take that break from your creation before you share it with the world. You’ll thank yourself later.

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Frederik Verhagen

Stay-at-home father and dork who writes about creativity, science fiction, and little discoveries in life. 🔗